Friday, June 19, 2009

Weaning Meanie or Weanie?

Ok, I have heard everything from you should wean them at 9 months to some babies aren't weaned until they are 4 years old. I know there are some reasons why to wean him as soon as possible such as...the longer you wait, the harder it will be...and the concern over teeth development, but I am still confused.

We give Carson solid food, but the fact is that he just doesn't eat as much as the "books" say he should be eating. With his milk allergy, it's hard to give him the foods many moms rely on (like cheese) for getting their kids to eat more solid food. The formula is his mainstay.

That doesn't mean I am giving up. I guess I'm just whining about weaning. There are many foods he does eat without worry such as fruit, chicken, and beans. Also, I am going to give him his formula in a sippy cup at least once a day from now on. Even though he knows it's not a "bottle" and sometimes throws it because it isn't (I guess I am in for a battle over this bottle issue.) Maybe I should have started this before he could say "bottle."

I just wish I knew if what he is eating is enough. I was looking for a free online food diary to track his food intake like I used to use at, however, it is impossible to put in the nutrition information for five Cheerios and other such small amounts of food that he eats. I hope someone invents a nutrition tracking website for toddlers some day. I'm probably not the only crazy mom out there who would use it.

Three new unrelated developments:
  • Carson can say "horse" and he knows what it is.
  • Carson knows how to say George (as in Curious George) although, this morning he tried to tell me that George was "Bob"
  • I invented a "double door wedge" to secure our swinging door in any position. I used two rubber doorstops duct-taped to a painting stirring stick. It's not pretty, but it works.

This picture shows Carson's horse and the double door wedge.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Two of the latest videos (for some reason they wouldn't upload to the blog).
This one is Carson eating with a spoon.
This one is Carson calling "dada".

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bunny Doodle

Yesterday as we were walking, we met our neighbor and her two kids. Her older boy is 2 years old and the baby is 8 months old. The two year old invited Carson to his Grandma's house for cookies to which Carson laughed as if he understood the invitation. It made me smile, but it also made me kind of sad that Carson would probably not be able to eat those cookies, and so today I was determined to make some cookies that Carson and his friend could share some day, and this is the recipe that I found. I love that Go Dairy Free website!!!! I made those cookies in the picture.

Bunny Doodle Cookies
Go Dairy Free - Tuesday, 16 June 2009

I only did two things different from the recipe - I used Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal and I flattened the cookies with a glass before baking. They turned out awesome, and Carson liked them. However, I am beginning to think that he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth because he goes more crazy over salty snacks. I would still consider this a success! I can't wait to try more of their recipes. Oh, and "dada" liked these cookies too.

Little Mr. Know-It-All

I love this picture. It shows his stubborn side!

It's amazing what a little baby knows and can learn. We think our son is the smartest baby ever, but we may be a little biased. One thing I do know that he knows is how to confound me. Someone once said to me, "Little babies are like parrots. They will repeat what you say."

My response to that is, "WRONG!" My little Mr. Know-It-All says what he wants to say. For example, for the longest time I have been trying to get him to say "nose", so what does he do? Last week he pointed to his eye and said "eye."

I try to get him to say "mama" so he says "dada" twenty times a day at varying levels of excitement. "Mama" only comes out every once in a while when he's trying to ask for "more" food or when he's making a kissing sound "mmmm-ma." I use this to my advantage sometimes. If I ask Carson who he wants to change his diaper, he almost always asks for, "Dada!" Which is also funny because Dada wanted to be called "PaPa," but Carson decided on his own that Dada was what he would call him.

Our latest adventure is that he likes to say "bus" however, his "s" is a "t", so he is calling that big yellow thing a "butttt" instead. When I tried to tell him to say it with an "s", it came out "butts". Oh well, at least he tried.

Last night we were singing "Old MacDonald", and when I paused, he filled in the "E-i-e-i-o". It was cute because it sounded more like "yi-yi-yoo". The adventures never end, and while he is learning all he is learning, he's teaching me a thing or two - such as not to be upset by the lack of "mama" in his regular vocabulary. It just means he knows who I am and doesn't feel the need to say my name when I'm right there. On top of that, there is a reason why he kisses and says "mmmmm-ma" while he is doing it. It's because most of his kisses are for me!

Words Carson can say...
  • hi and bye bye
  • mama and dada
  • ball
  • car
  • bus (butt)
  • walk and go walk
  • bike
  • hot (he uses for hot/cold and when things hurt)
  • hat (this morning he put a diaper on his head and said "hat")
  • Bob or Bop (this is what he calls Elmo and our cat, RickyBobby)
  • kitty
  • bird
  • dog
  • more
  • water
  • bottle
  • banana
  • book

Monday, June 8, 2009

What a Funny Little Person!

For the last 8 months of Carson's life, as soon as he grew out of that cute like a baby chicken stage, my husband has been known occasionally to exclaim when looking at Carson, "He's just like a little person!" And every day this little person reveals something new and wonderful about himself. It is so much fun, getting to know him. Here are the latest developments:

  • He can't say Elmo, so he just calls him "Bob."
  • He took two steps without help.
  • He said his first swear word, we think (I blame his dad.)
  • He stands up on his own unassisted by anything and tries to dance.
  • He knows the mechanics of using his spoon, although, it's more of a dip it and lick it off activity.
  • He calls his bottle a "ba-coe" or he pronounces it correctly sometimes.
  • He gives open-mouthed sloppy kisses on request - sometimes.
  • He laughs when he hears others laugh.
  • He knows he is not supposed to eat cat food but tries to anyway.
  • He likes curry flavor.
  • He has learned two signs for sure - hat and dog, and both are words he can also say.
  • He loves animals and is not afraid of big dogs even if they are growling.
  • He loves the American flag.

Also, we are still finding more great resources for eating dairy free. The latest is this website:
