Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Dancing Fiend

Carson loves to dance. If we ask him if he wants to dance, he says "DANCE!" and starts bopping. He bends his knees and bops up and down. Sometimes he turns on the radio first. Other times he just dances to the song in his heart or his own song usually - "doot, doot, doot!"

He has two other signature moves besides the bopping. He will do the step from side to side, and what I like to call the "I'm washing the table." In this intricate move, he sticks out one hand at waist level a little out from his body. He puts his other hand behind his back, and then he swings his waist level hand back and forth, like he's washing a table. He sometimes gets his head going too. It looks like he is shaking his head, "No."

I so wish I could get it on video, but he is the opposite of camera shy, he's camera hungry, so most of the time we have to hide the camera so that he doesn't eat it. We did manage to get one recent picture.

In this picture, he is enjoying his blow-up ball pit. It's where he, and sometimes the cat, like to hang out. The best thing about this toy is that we got it for free from some friends who wanted to get rid of it. Carson's dancing show is free too. It just proves that the best things in life really are free. Now I wonder why Carson has now started saying, "money"?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Word of the Week

He has so many new words since the last time I wrote that I am just going to share his most recent one: strawberry! He asks for them, and he says that word better than most!

I Love You E-I-E-I-OOOO

Carson is a funny kid, and very good at language, very smart. He mimics what he hears us say and what he sees us do. The other day I told him that I loved him and he said "yi-yi-yoh" which is how he sings the refrain of the "Old MacDonald" song. To him that sounded just like what I said.

He also has picked up saying "shhhh" and putting his finger to his lips. That comes from when we play - "We are sneaking up on Daddy now." Although, he squeals with delight right after, so I don't think he quite grasps the quiet part of it. The first time he shhhh-ed me, he smiled right after and crawled away. I was cracking up!

There are many gestures that he has picked up from me (the poor kid). He sings "doot, doot, doot" when he dances. He blows raspberries when he sees pictures of elephants (that's the closest he can come to imitating the sound that I tell him they make), and he uses the same sound to laugh in disbelief like I do when his Daddy is telling some tall tale.

So I guess we have one answer to the "nature vs. nurture" question, and that is your children's gestures can be learned, so I know now to be extra careful in what I say and do because someone is always watching!
